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海底硬岩是世界大洋钻探实现“莫霍钻”目标必然钻遇的地层。世界大洋钻探实施的航次中已多次钻遇海底硬岩,不仅采获了岩心样品,也在钻进施工中发现了诸多问题。本文搜集了近年来世界大洋钻探实施的309、312、335、360和384等有关海底硬岩钻探航次的资料,在对航次情况简要介绍的基础上,重点阐述了目前海底硬岩钻探在钻头、井壁稳定以及取心工具等方面遇到的挑战以及采取的应对措施,并对今后海底硬岩钻探的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   
埕岛油田位于渤海西南部极浅一浅海地区,是一个大型潜山披覆构造油田。随着埕岛油田开采力度加强,地层亏空十分严重,作业过程中的地层漏失是困绕埕岛油田油层保护的一大难题。据此介绍了胜利油田海上埕岛油田油层保护的一项新技术——井下双向流动阀防漏失技术的应用情况,阐述了井下双向流动阀的结构、原理以及应用后对油层保护所起到的作用。  相似文献   
许文锋 《台湾海峡》2009,28(1):102-106
由于海底隧道的特殊性,其防排水技术与一般陆地隧道有着显著区别,本文介绍了厦门翔安海底隧道的防排水方案设计情况,对方案实施效果进行了评估.得出了海底隧道防排水应结合围岩与支护的自防水功能采取以堵为主的原则,并针对海底隧道防排水方案实施中的问题,提出了对初期支护背后注浆是重点,改进注浆材料等建议.从而论述了防排水技术是海底隧道工程建设的核心问题.  相似文献   
以海洋油气开发工程为实例,利用HYSYS和PIPEFLOW软件,分析了影响海底混输管网计算的若干因素,指出了HYSYS和PIPEFLOW的适用条件,最终确立了海底混输管网优化算法,提高计算效率。  相似文献   
The species of Epithemia ocellata (Ehr.) Kütz. from Northeastern China were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The studies on silica valve formation in different stages were made. At the early stage, a Y-shaped raphe sternum was found. Areolae were made from virgae and vimines. In immature valves, the canal formation before the raphe fissure is visible. The raphe system, virgae and vimines (areolae) might be the early siliceous elements of the valve during morphogenesis. The formations of virgae and vimines are similar to that of Gephyria media W. Arnott. Rows of silica papillae formed gradually on the face of the valve. After the areolae were covered with silica and form rows of papillae, the outer valve surface could become mature. Details of the internal costae were observed in mature valves.  相似文献   
随着海洋科学技术的发展和人类对于海洋油气资源认识的不断增加,海洋油气资源的开发从近海走向远海。作为海洋油气运输主要方式的海洋管道,其铺设问题成为焦点。常见海洋管道工程铺设方法为:拖曳铺设、卷筒铺设、J型铺设、S型铺设。通过引入先进的国际海洋工程软件OrcaFlex并结合国内外关于海洋管道铺设的工程手册及相关规范、标准,如DNV、API、AWS等,实时模拟研究S型海洋管道铺设过程。结合作者工作经历及实际海洋铺管工程背景算例分析,研究铺管上弓段接触点、悬垂段及触底段在铺设过程中的各自静力、动力特性。对海洋管道S型铺设过程中应该注意的一些有关设计、工艺和HSE低成本安全高效铺设等方面提出几点有用的意见。  相似文献   
An ion chromatographic method with a valve switching facility was developed to determine trace nitrate concentrations in seawater using two pumps, two different suppressors, and two columns. A carbohydrate membrane desalter was used to reduce the high concentrations of sodium salts in samples. In this method, trace nitrate was eluted from the concentrator column to the analytical columns, while the matrix flowed to waste. Neither chemical pre-treatment nor sample dilution was required. In the optimized separation conditions, the method showed good linearity (R〉0,99) in the 0.05 and 50 mg/L concentration range, and satisfactory repeatability (RSD〈5%, n=6). The limit of detection for nitrate was 0.02 mg/L. Results showed that the valve switching system was suitable and practical for the determination of trace nitrate in seawater.  相似文献   
iCAP 6300电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪的常规维护方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵庆令  李清彩 《岩矿测试》2014,33(5):767-772
电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪在使用过程中,由于控制气体流量的电磁阀出现机械性移位,致使工作气流量过于偏大或偏小,对进样系统及分析数据产生不利影响;长期频繁使用条件下,由于控制光学系统的机械定位装置的磨损,致使谱峰坐标偏离而影响仪器灵敏度;很长时间不能"引燃"等离子体,检查进样系统和氩气纯度并没有发现异常,需要验证RF发生器有无功率输出时有一定的困难;在等离子体工作时产生的高温尾气的长期作用下,难免造成点火头末端铜丝的锈蚀,致使点火头放电微弱,不能"引燃"等离子体。因此,为保证仪器的正常运行,提高工作效率,确保检测数据的准确度,实验室应建立健全电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪维护保养方案,解决上述问题。本文结合实际工作经验,以iCAP 6300电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪为例,提出可以借助"Manufacturing and Service.exe"程序校正工作气流量,验证RF发生器是否输出功率;利用C 193.091 nm谱线为基准校正谱线修正CID检测器的谱峰坐标系统;另外,对点火头、分析软件数据库及主机灰尘的清理也进行了详细的维护说明,这些措施有益于保障仪器的性能及提高设备的利用率。  相似文献   
广州航空邮件处理中心位于岩溶发育地区,场区内存在大量土洞、溶洞等不良地质现象。该建筑物拟采用静压桩基础。为保证建筑物及场道安全,须对场区土洞进行处理。结合场地具体情况和施工工期要求,首先对大体积土洞进行泵注细石砼骨料充填处理,以消除地面大面积塌陷的危险,消灭压桩机械施工安全隐患,然后开始进行静压桩基础施工,同时在场地允许区域对中小体积土洞、桩端软土层等分别进行泵注砂浆骨料和袖阀注浆处理.以确保洞体密实和保证桩基承载力。通过对处理工艺、处理范围的比较筛选和对质量控制要点、施工技术要点的分析提炼.达到了施工简便、造价合理、安全高效的目的,并采用骨料取芯检测、土体标贯试验和压缩试验、洞体物探等多种检测手段,完全达到了设计要求,取得了良好的工程效果和经济效益。  相似文献   
During tunnel excavation, the deformation of surrounding rock due to the unloading of rock mass will vary with time. However, the measured displacement of surrounding rock is only a part of the actual longitudinal deformation profile. There is a need to analyze the longitudinal deformation profile to identify the deformation state and evaluate the stability of surrounding rock mass. In the present article, the variation of pre-deformation of surrounding rock due to excavation was analyzed, and the release coefficient was obtained from the measured results. For the Qingdao subsea tunnel, the measured crown settlement of surrounding rock was analyzed using the regression analysis method, and the longitudinal deformation profile of rock mass was simulated using the numerical calculation method. Moreover, based on the conditions of the subsea tunnel, a solid-fluid coupling model test was carried out to check the reliability of the numerical calculation results. The results of the model test were consistent with the numerical calculation results.  相似文献   
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